CN1 1 - CK - Clock signal for sampling each data signal 2 - GND 3 - Hsync - Horizontal sync. signal (Note 1) 4 - Vsync - Vertical sync. signal (Note 1) 5 - R0 - RED data signal (LSB) positive 6 - Rl - RED data signal positive 7 - R2 - RED data signal (MSB) positive 8 - GND 9 - G0 - GREEN data signal (LSB) positive 10 - Gl - GREEN data signal positive 11 - G2 - GREEN data signal (MSB) positive 12 - GND 13 - B0 - BLUE data signal (LSB) positive 14 - Bl - BLUE data signal positive 15 - B2 - BLUE data signal (MSB) positive CN2 (Signal & Power supply) 1 - Vcc - + 5Y power supply 2 - Vcc - + 5V power supply 3 - GND 4 - GND 5 - ENAB - Data enable signal (to settle the viewing area) (positive) 6 - TST - This shall be electrically opened during operation Note1 : Polarity of the Sync. signals - Mode 480 lines 400 lines 350 lines HSync - - + VSync - +